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Virtue for Germany and Japan 2/3

The Prince of Peace be with you, O Japan.  Amen.

Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: The Acts 10.34

There are two things which might happen to my body after knowing this unique, of the purposes of the “Little Book,” of the Spirit, about great imperial country of Japan from the East. Either it faints back into the dust (a good rest for me,) or this “vision,” which started many years ago of my first publication, shall God energize me much more than I ever was: I got a wonderful feeling the latter shall happen for. Amen. Hello all beloved. With or without bitter-blazed stomach, by the Holy Ghost, here we go into Part 2… “Hi ho Silver, away!”... LOL!

Virtue for Germany, and for Japan (2 of 3)

By the grace of Christ (the Holy Ghost,) I will be an "obedient Jonah" towards you both, O Germany and Japan. I no longer wish to be an instrument like Nahum “as a prophet of doom” for it was done and written already. Amen. This part I am filled with rejoicing and overwhelmed by the love and mercy of the Almighty, the Prince of Peace. God, Prince of princes alone, true and wise, is indeed the source of peace, though in the midst of a chaotic world of greedy rush, of waste, and of destruction, we are all living in. Amen. But the oil and the wine are not hurt: All thanksgiving and blessings of the heart and of the soul forevermore be, and is exalted, to the Lamb of God sitting on the throne of his Father (the Spirit, our Father) most high Majesty, King of Israel. Amen.

Behold the above holy, "The Acts 10. 34," amazing but true: God declares the end from the beginning, indeed. Amen. Of about countries Germany and Japan, got me quite amazed in years. The LORD truly delivers his in his right time, when things are waived over (and unfruitful branches cut off,) that narrow special way’s way may be clearer, seasoned and tried. Amen; HalleluJah! Great is the Wisdom of God: the Lord is to be praised for ever and ever more, for he has not left a stone unturned; neither good things left behind, nor untaken care of. Amen. Blessed are those who wait upon the LORD, for he is perfect in his ways: But the hope of those without, which hate the instructions of God, shall perish, sadly. Amen. We that fear the LORD are the children of the Sun, the Spirit of the Righteous; love is with us today: The saints are filled with songs of joy in the Lord of truth. Amen. The Apostle Peter got convinced then; and now his same holy and wise God, even our Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ, shall convince us, through his words matching our reality now, besides Germany and Japan on hand! Amen.

Aside from wondering about what got revealed towards me by a dream of the Spirit about Japan then: I have “lived the walk” since, not wanting as a Christian: I never sought it for “the headlines” though the Lord’s mighty hand published it on the simplest but "hidden way" possible - just locally here in Metro Manila on few bookstore branches. Most of the time, it (the “little book,” which contain the prophesy for Japan, and a general biblical reality of “hell,” or a “prison of spirits,” I was allowed to see, of a dream in Germany, underneath - 1 Peter 3.19 etc.) is hidden amongst other “Christian or Inspirational” books. A small book is quite hard to find especially when larger ones cover within the shelves. But a faithful servant of God has joy forever, simple or known, rich or poor, even either healthy/strong or in purposed sickness. Amen. God have blessed ready sons of God with amazing trust and enjoyable contentment of his sovereignty: St. John 15.5 etc. So, God above all, shall fulfill his pleasure: No one can void what God have sent for, regardless of us presumptuous or not. After full five to six (5 to 6) years in the “mud of Elm’s Street,” satisfied of this married Christian life, with bright daughters and sons, it is by grace again (a command of the Lord,) that I complete the great vision for, of the Spirit, in justice and in judgment. Amen.

Like every faithful Christian (Jew or adopted Gentile,) again, I do not care if the world goes into its own mad rush of gold or whatsoever rapid gain (not that it is directly harmful or so - please do not take me wrongly…) mother-earth can grievously yield for, but I always have that hope in the promise of the Saviour. Though it (my conviction leaving everything in the Lord's hand, of which might have been "idle of me" for others,) may have been “selfish.” Mine may have been a little like the prophet Jonah’s convicted point of view. Jonah might ignorantly have wanted only salvation and deliverance for Israel. He hated their enemies of course, depriving those without, of which is not exactly what God planned for all man of Adam including that generation of ancient Nineveh. Amen. Let me say that special biblical thought again: “Depriving salvation outside of Israel was not God’s plan for all of Adam, including ancient Nineveh." And now, Japan obviously is also purposed outside Israel. Amen.

Wow! If you're a Jew reading now, this is somehow “natural on your ears” (yet please let not evil beguile or provoke you into jealousy, if so about Jonah's...); But if a grafted Gentile Christian, hey, this is indeed special! HalleluJah! You may now say of joy in the Holy Ghost: "God has been thinking of me after all!" Awesome! So lovely… So sweet of a God is the LORD God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob! Amen. The best of this spiritual matter is that it's but true and shall be real - almost at hand now, within our lifespan! Don’t you know that God may add fifteen (15) years more for you if you ask him accordingly by his purpose, beloved? Only that you may see, in the name of the LORD, a priceless event – "The salvation of millions of Japanese in Japan, and that following wonder in Germany," thou may behold! Amen. There is a thing I am still excited about the Lord’s mighty hand, approaching: The “righteous angels of the Word,” who shall be sent there – these gentle soldiers of Christ shall preach the gospel of the kingdom to subvert them in the truth, unheard of before. Amen. For people of logic (e.g. atheists, scientists etc.) would prefer hearing a "clear and logical Jesus Christ" to be presented, that Christ remain not a mystery but as a revealed mysterious truth. Amen.

There is now a great light of salvation for many souls in Japan.

Of love's sake, the simplicity of God the Saviour in truth of his virtue takes it all (1 Timothy 3.16 etc.,) and wins it all! Most of the nature-loving Japanese people shall be (if not all) for the LORD! Amen. We are all equal before the LORD Almighty, our Father and Lord Jesus Christ in heaven: “Many who are first shall be last: and many, who are last (the Japanese people of the living God, our Lord and Saviour, to be,) shall be first in the kingdom!” And my earnest prayer to the Almighty, if he wills: That the Japanese who are among the first in world-class, shall their spirits, and wholeness, be in heaven (St. Matthew 6.10; 16.19 etc.). Amen.

Oh my good faithful God of heaven and of earth: How lovely, how sweet, and how wise thou art, O Father in heaven! You are my Lord and my God, O Master, my Lord Jesus, my first love! HalleluJah! Amen. I pray and beseech thee, O Lord, that you will save and “translate” most (if not all) of the Japanese people too, in and at the very end, as like us all, thy saints, thy faithful servants, and thy people, Jews and adopted Gentiles, from all nations, unto thyself in thy kingdom of heaven, new Jerusalem, new earth and new heaven!” Amen.

All beloved reading, I have to end here for now…. I am a little hungry and tired bodily…. Faithful and wonderful grace of Jesus Christ our Lord and Father in heaven be with you all; and my love in Christ be with you all too. Amen. Pray dearly for them: God speed the great grand will for beautiful Germany and Japan! Amen. And there would be other nations, purposed and blessed, who would follow in the same way towards great wonders of salvation, through faith, in the gospel of Christ, by the power of the Holy Ghost, with charity of the saints/the faithful, and on final hope of redemption, beginning in Jerusalem, that the apostles had preached, even from the beginning. Amen.

But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. The Acts 10.35

St. Matthew 24.14 etc.

The Lord's mercy is an everlasting river of life.

Lovely images are from the generous people at

See you again, and never forget: “Just share; don’t compare.” ;) <3

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